Thursday, March 1, 2012

addicted to hands and feet

From the moment you become pregnant there is one item of advice that you are told over and over:  Kids grow up before you know it.  I'll be honest, as the months of waiting for my first son crept by slower and slower I thought this was some sort of sick joke.  Obviously being on bed rest for most of those nine months didn't help, it still seemed like people were crazy.  Now, having not one but three kids of my own, I know that these people are wise beyond their years. 

Every day my kids are a little bit bigger and a little less dependant on me. Though I am excited for what each day brings and the new things my kids learn, it makes my heart hurt that I can't keep them sweet, Innocent and safely at my side for ever.  It is becuase of this that I think I am obsessed with their hands and feet.  It might be a sickness, seriously.  On pinterest that is almost the only thing I search...

The best part about having this addiction is that my kids LOVE to finger paint.  Adding the feet into the mix is like icing on the cake to them.  So as I am pinning projects I want to make I have been hording pieces of wood.  Seriously, I have taken wood from dumpsters, garbage cans and (the best place ever) my brother in law Tone's backyard. 

Below are two projects that I made for the holidays.  They are made so similar to the name blocks that it made it really easy to make.  I love when you learn one thing that can be used a hundred different ways!

Follow the instructions from that blog but don't modge podge anything until after you have added footprints or hand prints to the wood and it has completely dried.      

I added each child's  name to their ghost foot and then put the date on the back of their block.  Then I just stapled the ribbon onto the back and BAM, done!
For Thanksgiving I used this wacky font on my cricut and came up with this guy.  I added a pumpkin ribbon to this and tied a bow in the middle so that it hung up nicely.  

Don't worry I will have many, many more of these projects to come.  Right now I am working on doing ocean animals with their hands and feet to go in their bathroom.  I can't wait!

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