Thursday, March 1, 2012

wonder under

After I posted about the baby shower I thought some of you might be interested in a little more information on how to make the tie onesie.  I have tried a few different products to make t-shirts like this.  Wonder under seems to be the cheapest and easiest product to make these with.  You can get it at most craft and fabric stores.  I found mine at JoAnn's for about .75 cents a yard (wait till a holiday and use a coupon off sales items too). 

Essentially you decide the shape of the fabric, cut it out, iron one piece of wonder under to the shape, then iron that piece on the desired t-shirt.  I think it looks cuter to finish it off by sewing a straight stick around the edge of the fabric.  Don't look to close, it is impossible for me to sew straight.  The best thing is that no one will notice that because the shirt is so cute!

Here are a few examples....

This was a shirt dress that I made for my older daughter for halloween.  She loves cats.  So I googled all sorts of different images till I found one that I liked.  Then I printed it out, pinned it to the fabric, cut it out and wonder undered that bad boy to the shirt!  

 My son wanted bats.  Since the baby shower, and the realization that his Uncle loves batman, it's all he wants these days.  I used my cricut and cut out the shape then did the same thing I had done to the cat...

 A few months back we went to Disneyland with the kids.  These aren't the greatest pictures but they are the best to show you the final outcome.  On the Minnie Mouse shirts I added a small bow made out of ribbon to them.  I think the you call it tacking.  Believe it or not, I am a horrific sewer.  But as the blog says It's for my kid, er, kids (that title was taken) so I do it with a lot love if not skill!

You don't have to use a t-shirt either.  Try bags, pillowcases, anything!

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